All State Audition

Oct. 17,19, 23, 25, 27

Practice for All-State Orchestra Audition. This year's audition material included De Beriot Etude 20, Mazas etude 23, and excerpts from Eine Alpensinfonie and Symphonic Metamorphosis. The excerpts are very difficult technically, with tricky passages, uncomfortable string crossings, difficult intonation and rhythms, etc. All State has been a highly desired goal for me, and since it is so competitive, I really needed extra time to practice that has been taken away by college apps, club obligations, and school work. Each practice session consisted of a general run through of excerpts and then deliberate practice over areas I had trouble over using different practice techniques such as groupings, metronome work, isolation, slow practice etc. I wish I could say I was prepared enough, but my E-string unraveled during the first audition excerpt.


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